Monday, September 3, 2007

New Blog

I decided to switch the blog site I use so my new blog is:

There you go enjoy!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Its Been a while

Welcome back. It has been a while since I have posted and I do apologize. Now that summers over and my life of travel is no longer going on I am getting back into the swing of things so expect alot more posts coming soon. Well c ya later!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

James 1:27

James 1:27 says:

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

The Lord is uncovering a new hidden meaning in this scripture. Widows and orphans do not have lovers or fathers. These two realities of a lover and a father are two of Gods biggest identities. As Christians we are the sons of God, yet we are also the bride of Christ who Jesus as a bridegroom will be returning for at the second coming.

Those who do not believe in Jesus are both widows and orphans. They do not know God as their loving father. That He is Abba Father. They are orphans. God longs for the hearts, He longs for them to be His sons and daughters. They also do not know Jesus as their Bridegroom. They do not know Him as their lover. He wants to marry His bride. This is not some weird thing. I have mentioned the Bride of Christ and the Bridegroom God in previous posts and I would encourage you to check it out for more insight. This is also a very biblical idea (Isa 61:10; Isa 62:5; Joe 2:16; Matt 9:15; Matt 25; Jhn 3:29; Rev 22:17).

But it goes deeper than this. I think that many believers in the Church today have missed this idea. Many of us are widows. We have not seen the greatest measures of love which are seen in the bridal paradigm. I encourage many of you to search this out. It is the foundation of Christianity. We must know Jesus as this bridegroom who is longing for us.

Us who do know our indentity in this man must begin to care for those who do not. That is what this verse tells us to do:

"... to look after orphans and widows in their distress"

Why are we not doing this? We must build each other up in this idea. He is our Father and our Bridegroom who is returning for us.

The verse goes on and says:

"... and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

None of us do this. We are so decieved by the spirit of this age. We are so caught up in the cares of everyday life. If you really were to calculate all your time, where would it be spent the most. Probably not where it needs to be. I have been thinking about the idea of devotions alot lately and I have come to the conclusion that I do not like them very much. I think that the little 2 minutes books are a great start, but we must move on from that. God must begin to consume us. Spending hours a day with the Lord should not be a task or a hard thing to do. This is not just for the very intense people, or the pastors and teachers, this is for everyone. Our only calling in this life that matters is to know God, to search out who this man is. Why are we not doing this.

I encourage you to really take this serious. Look at your schedule and see what needs to be moved, see what idols need to be taken out of the way to really spend time with your lover. We must keep ourself from being polluted by the world.

Monday, March 26, 2007

"Behold our God is great..."

"Behold our God is great and we do not know Him." Job 36:26

Jesus is so good. His mercy triumphs over judgment and we must praise Him. He is so good to me especially as I grow into a deep intimate relationship with Him. He has called me personally on a radical lifestyle after Him. What I am talking about really is not radical, but it is living out the Sermon on the Mount. I just want to mention some stories about His faithfulness.

Today I went to school feeling very rough in my flesh. I get to school and my body is physically weak. So as things carry on throughout the day I begin to feel a tiny bit better. The reason here is because I finally followed through with the conviction He had been telling me to do for a good 2 years now which was asking for forgiveness from someone. Immediately I felt free. I felt like a heavy bolder had been lifted off my chest, but my body was still weak. So the day continues on and I can tell I am sick. Earlier when I check my temp it was at 98.3 or something close, but it was not bad. So after school I go to drama practice and I practice for about 1 hour. Then I go and take my temperature and find out that it is now at 104.5. No joke that is what the thermometer said. So I leave. On my way home I call up my friend whose really close to me and told what was going on. She prayed for me over the phone and I got home and the temperature was only 100.0. Yes it really did go down 4.5 degrees. I kind of brush it off for a second but then I think about it and I realized the only reason it went down was because she prayed. I saw the Lords faithfulness. So I went to sleep and woke up and my temperature is now 99.3 and my body no longer aches. This is obviously the hand of God. Get this though this is not the only time that this has happened. The exact same thing happened 3 weeks ago. We must begin to believe God for this and look for it when it cannot be found.

This past weekend I went to a conference at the International House of Prayer in Atlanta (IHOP-Atl). The Lord sent His power with a spirit of wisdom and revelation. The main thing I want to mention about that is the scoffing spirit that makes think we know about God when we truly have no idea who this Man is. Many of us are possessed by this spirit which tells us that we do not need to read the word, we do not need to pray because we know everything. I tell you read Job 38-42 then see what you think you know. We have no clue of the knowledge of God. He is so far above us. Right now I believe the Lord is asking the church today, "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand." (Job 38:2) If Job did not understand why do we think we do. We must through everything out the window that we think we know and sit before asking for a true revelation of who He is.
Amen, even so Amen.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Stuff going on in Life

Well lately in wrting articles for this blog I feel like I have been somewhat holding back. I feel as if I do not share everything going on in my life spiritually. The reason being because I know that some of the people who read this have drastically different beliefs. But now I am beggining to not care, the Lord has put me in others life to preach the good news so sure enough that is what I am going to do. Well the spirit of the Lord has been rocking me lately. As I am connecting in various ministries around town, aka IHOP Cartersivlle and the Glory Barn, the Lord is taking me deeper into His presence. He is showing me the truth of living in the Holy spirit. My weekends basically consit of praying and ministering to people. Friday night we go to IHOP Cartersivlle, saturday we go to The Glory Barn, and sunday I go to Riverstone Church in the morning and either IHOP Cartersville at night or youth group. Things that go on in these places are seriously working my spirit. I will go to cartersville Fri and weep under the travail of the spirit, go to the glory Barn saturday and laugh all night from the joy of the Lord, and sunday go to church and dance with all might for the goodness of God. I am so blessed to live in the life I live and I cant imagine what it would be like to be anywhere else.

I want to mention something else that has been burdening my soul deeply. There are so many people today who are just satisfied with where they are, and what they have spiritually, but the Lord is saying to you that you have access to so much more. As I look at the church today my spirit weeps because we are settling for so much less than we need to be. The Lord longs to bless us and let us feel His presence but we so often fall into complacency and contentment. I tell you the cry for the hour is for a generation to rise and declare the word of the Lord. I feel it more and more. Revival is coming, are you ready. This isnt any normal revival this the greatest revival in History, its called Jesus returning to His Bride. There will be great salvation in that day, multitudes will be added to the kingdom, but there will also be great deception. Will you be able to stand? Is there going to be oil in your lamp. When flase prophets and false christs arise will it usher you to a place of intercession to a place of travail for the lost, or will you be decieved with what you think you know. What is comeing is bigger than anything ever imagined. Matthew tells us that there has never been anything as bad as this day, that it is so bad if it were not shortend we wouldnt be able to last. But hear this, it is about love. Jesus is coming to remove everything that hinders love. He is coming for you, so that He can finally have you without sinin the way, with a pure heart and a pure mind. Yes it is going to be a terrible day, but it is also going to be a great day. we must begin now to cultivate intamacy with the Lord, so that when that day comes we wont be using old oil we will be in a place of encounter with the Lord.
Amen even so Amen!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Gods Love Toward You

Most of us have been told, or at least heard that God loves us, that Jesus loves me this I know for the bible tells me so. But do we really understand this, or has it become a passing issue that we look over. This Love is something which we need to experience like we do in worship, we must encounter this Love. Eph. 3:16 - 19 says that this Love that we have access to is something that surpasses all knowledge. This is a love that does not have a top a bottom or sides; it goes on through all eternity. Get this:
-We live in one galaxy called the Milky Way Galaxy. There are more than 100 billion known galaxies in this universe. God created this with the word of His mouth. God spoke this very universe into being.
-Think of how many stars are in the whole universe. Think as big as you can and have that number in your head. There are more than 70 sextillion stars in this universe. That is a 7 with 22 zeros. Isaiah 40:26 tells us that He knows the stars by name. So God knows 70 sextillion stars by name, every single one and He commands them where to go and what to do. One time I heard a preacher say “… if all those stars were put into Websters dictionaries you would get 40 quadrillion dictionaries. 40 quadrillion dictionaries is enough to build a highway to the moon and back.”
-But hear this, none of that moves Him. The only thing that moves God is you. His heart is ravished by tour simple desire to look to Him. The heavens are the works of His hand and He loves you.

We are sinners doomed to die without the grace of God. The only reason this grace is available is because of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to the earth and died for our sins. Listen to me, Jesus Christ hung on a cross for you.
You ________________, were on His mind when He hung there on the cross. He was replaying the picture of you in His mind. He was scoffed at and beat so that He could have you. Nails really did go through His hands and feet for you. God sent His only son down to the earth, but more than that Jesus came to earth, knowing that He was going to die a slow and painful death. Something we cannot even grasp is that Jesus was seated in Heaven and was in perfect fellowship with the Father and the Holy Spirit for all eternity past, and then he suffered the loss of eternity so that He may have us. He was siting on the throne forever, in perfection then He came to earth for YOU. He loves you. Let the conviction of the Lord pierce your heart now with His consuming fire of Love for you. Amen.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

We Must Wake Up

Today as I look at the lives of some who claim to be Christians and even go to church my heart begins to break. As believers in Jesus, we have access to so much, yet we are settling for so little all the while the Lords heart is breaking over each one of us. He desires that His children would just come before Him and seek His face, but because of our sinful nature, we get so caught up with the cares and pleasures of this life. Most of the time its not even deliberate sin, its normally seeking other cisterns that cannot satisfy our soul. We place things that need to be below God up before God. The Church of America must begin to wake up. Most Americans today want to go to a good college, then get a good job, maybe marry after that, and then live a comfortable life until they die. Beloved, I beg you to reconsider that dream. There is a much better life than this. Those of us who are Christians are embracing an upside down kingdom, which is completely different from any other kingdom. Jesus displays this is Matthew 5 with the B-attitudes. His definition of being blessed is different from Americas definition today of being blessed. He says that your blessed if you have a broken life basically. Your poor in spirit, living a lifestyle of mourning, being lower than everyone else and servant of everyone else, in the midst of searching for God. This is what the Lord is calling us into today; this is what the true Christian lifestyle is supposed to look like. Money and wealth is not something we need to seek, they will only corrupt us. Jesus says in Matthew that we cannot serve both God and money. I tell you that if we even somewhat learn to obey this command God will do what He promises and provide. He compares us to the birds of the air who do not reap or sow anything, yet the Lord still provides for them, but how much more will the Lord provide for us, His bride, who are much more valuable than birds. I tell you the Lord is faithful and will give you what you need.
In America, we as the church are wasting our lives. We say we believe in Jesus yet we do not live like it. If Jesus really was a real man and really is now at the right hand of the Father we must fall down before Him in reverence giving Him our lives. Our lives need to be lived like that of the great evangelists: David Brainerd, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, George Whitfield, A.W. Tozer etc. in a place of a holy consecration to the Lord seeking for an encounter from Him. The need of the hour is preachers and teacher who are set apart for something greater, who have the grace to sustain long hours in prayer and fasting. We need those who weep between the porch and the altar, who hide themselves from the world and pray. There is a phrase that most everyone has heard which goes, “we cant be so heavenly minded that were of no earthly good,” but the truth of the matter is that so many of us are so earthly minded we are of no heavenly good. The greatest impact that a believer can have is not with his talents or his giftings, but it is in a place of prayer asking that God would begin to change the way things are and send revival. Leonard Ravenhill says, “Could a mariner sit idle if he heard the drowning cry? Could a doctor sit in comfort and just let his patients die? Could a fireman sit idle, let men burn and give no hand? Can you sit at ease in Zion with the world around you damned?”

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Bride of Christ

This is something I wrote awhile ago on The Bride of Christ.

Men are the brides of Christ just as women are. The bride describes a position of privilege and of nearness to the heart of God. We must have a revelation of this bridal Paradigm to understand it fully. Beloved, the truth is that the Lord God, Jesus Christ, The God-Man, Loves use, He is ravished by our weak glances, even in our weakness He goes crazy for us! His enjoyment for us is not based on our achievements but on His own heart and your sincere response to Him. This isn’t something that you need to strive to achieve, but it is an awesome key that can unlock power in your life.

The Song of Solomon is a great book to show this Bridal Paradigm. I think it can be understood three main ways. First, it can be understood as married love between King Solomon and his Shulamite. Second, it could be a spiritual love song between the glorious relationship between Christ and the church. Third, it could be again a spiritual love song, but between Christ and the individual. The third way just makes me go crazy as I am reading through the book. Just thinking about it being a love song between me and Christ exhilarates me.

God is often viewed as a strict coach, that isn’t emotional until we sin then he gets angry with us. Also He is viewed as a God who is just trying to discipline us by calling us to things and then letting bad things happen to us. We never realize that his heart burns for desire for us.

It takes God to love him. We love him with the supernatural power of his own imparted love. We are used as a vessel, when we get a revelation of his love we are automatically filled with love towards him, and we hunger for him, then we get another revelation of how he loves us as our weakness, and our love for him at that moment just keeps getting bigger and bigger, and the cycle also keeps getting bigger and bigger.

The power to love is its own reward. Imagine a couple with a 2 million dollars and a 2 million dollar house. They have a daughter who gets sick and the doctor tells them it will cost them everything to help her the 2 million dollars and the house. They do it. Then one day someone comes up to them and says, “It was amazing what you did for your daughter,” and they say, “No what we did for our daughter was love.” They were despised for doing this. This example also applies to scripture if your were to give up everything for God do you think people would say something like, “Yeah I did that last week,” no they would give the reaction of you being crazy. Paul says his sacrifice for God is nothing compared to the excellency of experiencing the beauty of Jesus, Philippians 3:8. The reward for someone who is truly in love is the power to love, and by now no self recognition is sought or wanted.

Jesus desires us! Nothing is better than the revelation of the God filled with pleasure, the God who has intense desire for human beings and the God who woos us through spiritual pleasures. Paul preaches on the revelation of the Bridegroom in 2 Corinthians 11:2

“For I am jealous for you with a Godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.”

In this ministry indentity as friends of the bridegroom we operate differently than those Christians without this revelation. We are fearless. A Bridegroom God is a God who has indescrible desire and delight for us as human beings. Something profound happens to us in our weakness, we feel wanted, and longed. The Bridegroom God actually enjoys us and takes pleasure in us even here on earth.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Article for School Newspaper

This is an Article I wrote for my High School's newspaper in a response to an ongoing debate between 2 people about worship.

Dear Editor,

I am writing this as a response to the ongoing discussion between Lindsey Parker and Mrs. Salsberry. I am not writing to debate the issue, but just to give my input. What the two have been somewhat debating is the issue of whether worship should be Hymns or songs with “snazzy” beats like that of the popular secular music. I somewhat disagree with Lindsey when she states that if an unbeliever came they would probably connect more with Inside Out than Come Long Expected Jesus. I do think there is some truth to that statement, but I dare say that they will connect more with the song that the Spirit of God brings conviction threw. An example I would like to look at is John the Baptist. He lived most of his life in the desert and is known as a voice who was crying out in the wilderness. I must say that I doubt John had “snazzy” beats or even music. God does not need music playing to move in hearts. To this one might say, ‘That was a long time ago during bible times, things have changed since then and are different today.’ Yes, this is true, but God has not changed. God has been the same through all eternity past. The same God that poured out His Spirit in the Bible is the one we worship today. This is the same God that sends conviction to the unbeliever’s heart, who makes the wrong things write.

When it comes to believers worshiping I would say that the issue at hand is that of sin. We are sinful people and this sin brings a hindrance to our worship. The definition of worship in Webster’s dictionary is, “a reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.” The worship is not about us. Sure, worshiping God with a song that has a cool beat or a nice tune is awesome, but it is the same as when we worship Him with a Hymn, or much less no music at all. Worship is about the Man who we are worshiping and the reasons we worship Him, it is not about us. When we look at the revivals of history, I bet we can safely say that they were not singing Inside Out during worship. They were more than likely singing Hymns with a keyboard, or no music at all. Guess what, during these times of worship God moved His Spirit and thousands were saved. The fact is, our God moves, it does not matter where or how, He is alive and moving as long as the heart is willing. Let me throw this out there. In the book of Revelation, mainly chapters 4 and 5, the Throne Room in Heaven is described. In this description, the four living Creatures and the 24 elders are mentioned giving praise, glory, and honor to Him who sits on the Throne and lives forever and ever. “Day and night they never stop saying:

Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lord God Almighty,
Who was, and is, and is to come.”

Whenever the 4 living creatures did this we see that the 24 elder would fall down and say,

“You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things, a
and by tour will they were created and have their being.”

Beloved, we are bored, that is all there is to is. The four living creature just mentioned said the same thing day and night. Whenever they said it, the 24 elder fell down and said their words. They have been in heaven all eternity saying this same thing everyday and every night and falling down before the Lord. They do not have any other songs this is the only one. My friend, we get tired of singing a song after five times. We must begin to understand this truth. We are a boring people who need God.

Kurt Miller

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Necessity of Prayer

I have just recently been reading books on prayer and intercession, and this is something that the Lord had broken me over. This is the greatest call of the hour in the church today. The 2 that I am working on right now are E.M Bound's The Weapon of Prayer and Leonard Ravenhill's Why Revival Tarries. I have come to a basic conclusion. Today Christians struggle with all types and kinds of sin, the one answer for this is prayer. No self help group, or home group is going to help us, we must begin to come before God's throne of grace and pray.

E.M Bounds states:
No erudition, no purity of diction, no width of mental outlook, no flowers of eloquence, no grace of person can atone for lack of fire. Prayer ascends by fire. Flame gives prayer access as well as wings, acceptance as well as energy. There is no incense without fire; no prayer without flame.

The church today lacks power. This is the key reason. Preachers and teachers must begin to lock them self up in the closet and weep over the perverse world. Many of us do not recall the last time we have spent hours on end in the presence of the Almighty. George Whitefield said, "Whole days and weeks have I spent prostrate on the ground in silent or vocal prayer." We know Whitefield as one of the great evangelists during the Great Awakening and here we see his source of power and authority.

When was the last time we have weeped in a spirit of prayer for the 315 million Muslims in the world. Is that fact even phasing the reader? Where has our burden for the lost disappeared to. We must begin to confront these issues alone with God. We must replace our material things which we are so consumed in, with sending intercession up to Gods throne, and wrestling in the secret place.

Ravenhill states, "Someone now will warn us that we are to heavenly minded that we are of no earthly use. The brutal, soul-shaking truth is that we are so earthly minded that we are of no heavenly use." This, beloved, is the truth. We must let the Holy Spirit change our western mindset and focus us in on eternity. This life is truly but a second in comparison to eternity.

Begin to ponder Genesis 1, "In the Beginning God..." God was in the beginning. This must fry our brains. Our maker is an uncreated God. He was always there. "Behold, you are good, and we do not know you!" We have no clue who we are dealing with when it comes to God. A.W Tozer states that if all the problems of heaven and earth were to confront us at once it would be nothing compared to our biggest problem of God. We need to come to a revelation of the knowledge of God. He is so far above is. It says in Revelation 4:10 that, ".. the 24 elders fall down before him who sits on the throne..." When was the last time we fell down before God. They did not bow down, the script says that they fell down. Gods glory was so powerful that they were knocked over.

This my friend is the highest call of the hour, that we would begin to get revelation of God in the context of prayer and intercession.