Saturday, January 20, 2007

Article for School Newspaper

This is an Article I wrote for my High School's newspaper in a response to an ongoing debate between 2 people about worship.

Dear Editor,

I am writing this as a response to the ongoing discussion between Lindsey Parker and Mrs. Salsberry. I am not writing to debate the issue, but just to give my input. What the two have been somewhat debating is the issue of whether worship should be Hymns or songs with “snazzy” beats like that of the popular secular music. I somewhat disagree with Lindsey when she states that if an unbeliever came they would probably connect more with Inside Out than Come Long Expected Jesus. I do think there is some truth to that statement, but I dare say that they will connect more with the song that the Spirit of God brings conviction threw. An example I would like to look at is John the Baptist. He lived most of his life in the desert and is known as a voice who was crying out in the wilderness. I must say that I doubt John had “snazzy” beats or even music. God does not need music playing to move in hearts. To this one might say, ‘That was a long time ago during bible times, things have changed since then and are different today.’ Yes, this is true, but God has not changed. God has been the same through all eternity past. The same God that poured out His Spirit in the Bible is the one we worship today. This is the same God that sends conviction to the unbeliever’s heart, who makes the wrong things write.

When it comes to believers worshiping I would say that the issue at hand is that of sin. We are sinful people and this sin brings a hindrance to our worship. The definition of worship in Webster’s dictionary is, “a reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.” The worship is not about us. Sure, worshiping God with a song that has a cool beat or a nice tune is awesome, but it is the same as when we worship Him with a Hymn, or much less no music at all. Worship is about the Man who we are worshiping and the reasons we worship Him, it is not about us. When we look at the revivals of history, I bet we can safely say that they were not singing Inside Out during worship. They were more than likely singing Hymns with a keyboard, or no music at all. Guess what, during these times of worship God moved His Spirit and thousands were saved. The fact is, our God moves, it does not matter where or how, He is alive and moving as long as the heart is willing. Let me throw this out there. In the book of Revelation, mainly chapters 4 and 5, the Throne Room in Heaven is described. In this description, the four living Creatures and the 24 elders are mentioned giving praise, glory, and honor to Him who sits on the Throne and lives forever and ever. “Day and night they never stop saying:

Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lord God Almighty,
Who was, and is, and is to come.”

Whenever the 4 living creatures did this we see that the 24 elder would fall down and say,

“You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things, a
and by tour will they were created and have their being.”

Beloved, we are bored, that is all there is to is. The four living creature just mentioned said the same thing day and night. Whenever they said it, the 24 elder fell down and said their words. They have been in heaven all eternity saying this same thing everyday and every night and falling down before the Lord. They do not have any other songs this is the only one. My friend, we get tired of singing a song after five times. We must begin to understand this truth. We are a boring people who need God.

Kurt Miller


carolineb said...

Amen to all of that. I love to think of you guys at DCHS arguing the finer points of faith. I love that you are there with your point of view.

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